From the first pay period commencing on or after 1 December 2019, rates of pay for some employees under the Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award 2010 (SCHADS Award) will increase as a result of the Equal Remuneration Order (ERO) made by the Fair Work Commission in 2012.
Allowances, penalties and loadings are not affected and remain as set out in the SCHADS Award.
Only minimum pay rates for employees covered by the ‘Social and Community Services’ and ‘Crisis Accommodation’ streams under the SCHADS Award will increase.
If you already pay above award rates, you may not be required to increase wages, providing the rates paid are above the increased minimum award rates.
It should be noted that the ERO pay rate adjustment may also affect staff covered by an Enterprise Agreement (EA). Where applicable, employers are advised to check their EA to ensure the base rates payable within the EA are equal to or greater than the increased minimum award rates. If this is not the case, pay rates will need to be adjusted accordingly. Further to this, employers are advised to check their EA and/or contracts of employment carefully for terms that stipulate an increase to rates of pay in line with any increase to minimum award wages, and to act in compliance with those terms.
The increase will take effect from the first full pay period on or after 1 December 2019.
Different increases will apply to different employees depending on whether or not they are transitioning from a pre-modern award.
If you think you may have employees covered by the Social and Community Services or Crisis Accommodation Streams under the SCHADS Award, and would like to clarify rates, please contact our team or give us a call on 1300 406 005.